the mushrOOm cOffee that actually tastes gOOd.
Enjoy our proprietary blend of adaptogenic mushrooms, including Chaga, Lion’s Mane, Reishi, and more. Plus, dandelion root, turmeric, anti-inflammatories, antioxidants, and just 1/4 the caffeine of coffee with a rich, creamy taste.

Mad Dandy™ Mushroom Coffee is a proprietary blend of adaptogenic mushrooms, including Chaga, Lion’s Mane, Reishi and more + dandelion root, turmeric, collagen, chai, peanut butter, and a touch of caffeine. Plus trace amounts of unicorn horn, hippie nonsense and fairy dust (not really.)
the decaf MushrOOm cOffee THAT ACTUALLY TASTES GOOD.
Decaf Mad Dandy is the mushroom coffee you drink when you don’t want any caffeine, or anything that tastes like mushrooms!
Mad Dandy is made with Lion’s Mane, Reishi, Chaga and other adaptogenic mushrooms. And they can increase your oxygen intake which provides a natural energy boost. Lion’s Mane mushrooms help with brain fog and memory, Chagas are good for gut health and Reishis help with immune support.
All of them are loaded with anti-inflammatories and antioxidants. Without any of that none of that damp, mushroomy, just scraped off of a wet tree trunk taste!
mADDICTS are Mad Dandy’s most loyal junkies. They get special discounts and merch and our undying love and appreciation. (Which isn't worth much, but it feels good.) Are you a mADDICT? Send a photo and tell us your story!
Marcia is a mADDICT from Chicago who's always buying extra bags and giving them away to friends so yah, you wanna be friends with her.
Jordyn is a mADDICT from New Jersey who drinks Mad Dandy + a scoop of protein powder, which she says tastes like a Reese’s shake. Hmmm… Stand by for the recipe.
Lindsay is a mADDICT from California. She has her Mad Dandy every day before class at the University of Wisconsin - Madison. And she’s spreading the word all over campus!

The dandelion root, mushrooms, and turmeric in Mad Dandy™ are antioxidants and anti-inflammatories which can protect cells from damage, lower cholesterol and reduce anxiety. Plus it tastes f@#%ing fantastic and has just a 1/4 the caffeine of a cup of coffee. So you lose the jitters, anxiousness, stomach problems and sleep issue that caffeine can cause.
Your new morning ritual
The first thing you put in your body should do good things for your body. Mad Dandy Mushroom Coffee has all kinds of good stuff, just a hint of caffeine and it tastes amazing. Our starter bag is just $12 bucks and if you don’t love it, we’ll happily give you your $12 bucks back. But you’ll love it. We’re not worried.